why does it seem that more and more people do not know how to cook?

2016-12-04 4:33 pm

回答 (16)

2016-12-04 11:43 pm
Because fewer people learn. Traditionally daughters learned from their mothers, but now there are so many convenience foods, parents don't cook so much so their children don't learn. Plus now that it is far more likely that both parents work, they don't have the time or the energy when they get home and love to take advantage of any shortcut.

Then they watch TV chefs who make it all look complicated. Honestly, the best ones to watch are those who never had training as a chef - they just cook the kind of thing you CAN do at home. We have one in the UK called Delia Smith and her popularity was due to the fact that she showed you everything and told you exactly what to do. It may seem ridiculous (and she WAS ridiculed for this) to demonstrate how to boil an egg, but she did it - and last time she did, egg sales shot up as so many viewers wanted to try it. It's simple but you can't if you don't know how. If nobody's shown you, how do you know? Being shown things helps a LOT. Her "Cookery Course" and "How to Cook" certainly filled an obvious need. (My copy of the "Complete Cookery Course" book gets used often enough!)

I suppose I came in at the tail-end of "how it used to be" - Dad went out to work and the family could live on just his money, Mum stayed at home to be a housewife (or once my sister and I were safely in school all day, she went back to work part-time so she'd still be home when we were back from school), so she DID cook dinner every day and she had to. There were far fewer convenience foods and supermarkets were nothing like the size they can be now. Fish fingers and beefburgers were about the most advanced we had in terms of convenience food. I remember being taken shopping with her as a small boy - to the butcher for meat, the greengrocer for fruit and vegetables, and something like a small supermarket for packaged things.

The big change for us came when Dad bought a freezer. No need to go regularly to the greengrocer any more. It may have distanced us a bit from what veg actually looks like, though Dad grew some in the garden so I DID know. Which reminds me of one thing Mum regularly used to buy from the greengrocer - brussel tops. I haven't seen those for years. Maybe I should go to markets more! If you know what a brussels sprout plant looks like, you know what they are.

Mum has never liked cooking, she just HAD to. I had to when I went to university, the refectory was awful, so the student house kitchen got well used!

Mum made chips (French fries) - peel potatoes, cut them up, and deep fry them. Now we have oven chips, which you just put on a tray in the oven for 20 minutes. That IS as an advantage as it drastically reduced the number of chip pan fires. But before oven chips came along, there was no alternative.

It's just so much easier to get away without knowing how to REALLY cook these days and people love to claim they don't have the time.
2016-12-04 7:42 pm
Ask McDonald's or colonel Sanders
2016-12-04 5:00 pm
It's Ray Krocs fault.
2017-03-27 5:16 pm
bcz fast food stores are opened everywhere...
2016-12-05 3:55 pm
Cuz for one thing, fast food remains all the rage. Such a diet does not demand real cooking skills.
2016-12-05 1:48 pm
I don't know as all the local schools by me teach cookery at school as a compulsory subject for at least the first two years of senior school but food bank fresh food is not taken by the supposedly needy.
2016-12-05 3:21 am
I cook ramens
2016-12-05 1:49 am
my guess is because of all the packaged convenience foods now. Ready to eat soup, pasta, pizza, TV dinners, frozen foods, etc etc etc etc.
There are way more places to eat out as well.
2016-12-04 10:50 pm
Probably because fast food is so cheap by comparison.
In culinary school, I watched a video where an orange was $1.50, yet a Micky D's burger was $1. So it was easier to get the burger. And no one needed to learn how to cook. So the poorer folks could get food for a cheaper amount than actually learning how to make it themselves.
Fast food is cheaper-so the skills needed to make it for yourself are slowly going away-through mass marketing and cost. The problem is that those who buy fast food, really don't know/care what actually goes into their bodies.
參考: Professional Chef
2016-12-04 4:35 pm
I do not know that this is so.

I DO know that more and more people use fast food, and buy pre-cooked (or mixes) TO fix their meals.
Not necessarily because they don't KNOW how to cook.

I could cook before I had children, but once I had children AND was working full-time, I didn't have a lot of time or energy FOR cooking from scratch.
Now that I am retired, I do most of my cooking from scratch.

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