What are some differences in beliefs between Judaism and Christianity?

2016-12-04 12:34 am

Please be respectful towards both practices and beliefs :)

回答 (13)

2016-12-04 12:36 am
First, Jews believe in only one God, while Christendom calls itself monotheistic, but believes in a Trinity of god, three in one.
2016-12-04 12:38 am
The Jesus stuff mostly.
參考: Also the serpent in the garden being Satan, heaven/hell, and pretty much all of the other carrot and stick stuff. There is a reason why some sects of Christianity feel a need to go out and "save" souls while you don't get Jewish people knocking at your door and handing you pamphlets.
2016-12-04 12:48 am
The Law of Moses:

Judaism - embraced as the foundation of their faith, Jews are "under the law"
Christianity - teaches sin but was satisfied by Jesus' crucifixion, Christians "not under the law"


Judaism - a trouble maker, a false teacher, not the Messiah
Christianity - Creator, Lord and Savior, the Messiah


Judaism - cut off from faith because of rejection of the Messiah
Christianity - "grafted into" faith as a result of Jews' rejection of Jesus

The Old Testament:

Judaism - the Tanakh, Jewish Bible, consisting of the Torah, and other inspired books
Christianity - the first half of the whole Bible that also includes the New Testament
2016-12-04 12:43 am
The most basic one : Jews don't believe in Original Sin But Christians do
2016-12-04 12:39 am
night and day
2016-12-04 1:09 am
Jews don't believe that Jesus already died and was resurrected for their salvation. They are still waiting, but born-again Christians have it right!

John 3:3

Jesus replied, "Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are BORN AGAIN."

2016-12-04 12:46 am
The key difference is that in Judaism they are still operating under the Law of the Old Testament. They've failed to realize that the Savior that is prophesied in their book, the "Torah"(The first few books in the Old Testament), has already come. They reject Christ as the Savior.
2016-12-04 12:41 am
Each has their own funny hats to wear.
2016-12-04 1:39 am
Jesus is the big difference.
2016-12-04 12:51 am
Xianity has much better food and songs. Judaism doesn't proselytize.
2016-12-04 5:28 am
Google it lazy
2016-12-04 1:21 am
The major one is that Jews reject the truth that Jesus Christ is the Messiah and that He is God.
2016-12-04 1:11 am
Jews believe in, and worship one God, and religious Jews follow the rules.

Christians follow an idealistic, semi-polytheistic faith, where they can pick and choose what to follow and be 'saved'

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