Obama was the reason the democrats lost so big this time?

2016-12-03 5:17 pm

回答 (14)

2016-12-03 5:20 pm
A big reason, but certainly not the only one. The leftist media and trolls played a huge part. As did every day liberals and their toxic hysterics.

Yes, every little snowflake that threatened to unfriend, break up with, or disown Trump supporters played their part. No one likes to be threatened or told what to do.
2016-12-03 5:18 pm
I thought he was the reason the Indians lost to Chicago
2016-12-03 5:19 pm
Obama and Hillary
2016-12-03 5:18 pm
Maybe, but Hillary was a terrible candidate.
2016-12-03 5:26 pm
He's partly to blame but Hillary is the major reason. Nobody likes her. She has no charisma. She's a life politician who thinks she's above the law. She's a crook. She's dishonest. If she can't protect her emails then how is she going to protect the country.
2016-12-03 5:23 pm
More people voted for a Democratic POTUS than a Republican POTUS, so I doubt it.
2016-12-03 5:20 pm
Nah, I'm thinking he shared equal Billing with the pathological liar on who's to blame.
America is fed up with bloated, authoritative governments and did not want to see a clone administration of the fascist ego with a messiah complex
2016-12-03 5:20 pm
Troll or Con?
2016-12-03 5:19 pm
參考: Hillary does boom boom in her diaper
2016-12-04 2:03 am
Funny, considering more people voted for Hillary and the Democrats.
2016-12-03 6:13 pm
only part of it
2016-12-03 5:54 pm
oh sure,

unemploy is down to 4.6
2016-12-03 5:26 pm
one of them, yes
2016-12-03 5:23 pm
dems gained seats in the house and senate and Hillary won the popular vote

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