my parents make me depressed?

2016-12-02 4:28 pm
My parents make me depressed.
About a week ago my mom and stepfather accused me of stealing from my mother. i tried telling both of them that i didnt steal anything from them. to this day i still stand by what i said. they have been punishing me for not telling a truthful lie, such as giving up all of my friends, girlfriend and even giving up gymnastics which is something i wanted to do professionally. i dont even know what i have to lose now, ive lost all the people i love and the sport i love. my mom and stepdad completely ignore me and everytime i try to talk to them they ask me "are you gonna admit to it" when i say no, they enforce new restrictions. they are even gonna put me in a scared straight program for something i didnt even do. what can i do from here? im 18 by the way.

回答 (3)

2016-12-02 5:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Do they no know you well enough to know that you are not a thief? Ask them if they would admit to something they had not done. You have told them the truth and are not going to keep repeating it. Have you any grandparents you can talk to about it?

Here is something you might consider. Make them this promise: "I pledge that when you are old and vulnerable I'll treat you with exactly as much love and support as you are treating me now". I don't necessarily advocate that, but it might be worth thinking about in certain circumstances........

One day they will learn the truth, no doubt

Good Luck with this
2016-12-02 5:25 pm
tell them they need proof before they accuse you of something you didnt do, maybe you should move out, too much drama at your place
2016-12-02 4:31 pm
Do you have any idea who did do it? Maybe it was just misplaced or spent? It seems odd to hold such a grudge about something they can't prove you did. Maybe you couldl point out you would like some trust and family feeling. I think this would be better to talk to just your mother about.

Do you have a minister or someone at school you could talk to? It sounds as if this is abusive to add punishment to punishment for not admitting something you are adamant about.

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