Are we born by chance or were we guranteed to be born no matter what?

2016-12-02 6:16 am

回答 (9)

2016-12-02 1:20 pm
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That depends on whether you believe in determinism or not. This is more of a philosophical question than a biological question, so if you don't mind, I'll move it into the Philosophy section to help you get better answers.

Determinism holds that all events and conditions are the direct result of earlier events and conditions, and that there is no other way things could have turned out. There are many flavors of determinism, but they all seem to hold in common the idea that there is only one possible stream from past to present to future, and we're all in it. In that case, then yes, you were guaranteed to be born because your birth was part of a string of inevitable events set in motion at the beginning of time.

The opposite of determinism is indeterminism or nondeterminism, which holds that certain events are not caused deterministically by prior events. In other words, some events can happen by chance, without any apparent cause. If the universe is nondeterministic, then your birth was *not* guaranteed; in fact, *nothing* is guaranteed.

So...pick your philosophy. I hope that helps. Good luck!
2016-12-02 7:38 pm
A birth is guaranteed. You personally are a cosmic fluke. But everything relates to everything else so there is no random anything.
2016-12-02 7:08 am
Doesn't this question assume that you and I are unique? We talk about people being "original," but think about it. I'm sure that there are lots of people who are so like me that we might as well be the same person. So yes, there was a guarantee that somebody like me would come along, and somebody like me will come along when I'm dead, and others after that. Do you really think you're any different?
2016-12-02 7:13 am
Humans are born in an ordained manner. Related: "Youth: Creators of the Future;" "The Answer You're Looking for Is inside You."
2016-12-11 4:52 am
If we were guaranteed to be born that would mean all things are predestined. Which would also mean that all the bad things that happen in the world were predetermined as well. This is not the case because the bible says: "I have seen something further under the sun, that the swift do not always win the race, nor do the mighty win the battle, nor do the wise always have the food, nor do the intelligent always have the riches, nor do those with knowledge always have success, because time and unexpected events overtake them all." Ecclesiastes -9:11
2016-12-07 2:22 pm
that depends on whether you believe in determinism or not... this is more of a philosophical question than a biological question, so if you don't mind, i'll move it into the philosophy section to help you get better answers...

determinism holds that all events and conditions are the direct result of earlier events and conditions, and that there's no other way things could have turned out... there are numerous flavors of determinism, but they all seem to hold in common the idea that there's only one possible stream from past to present to future, and we're all in it... in that case, then yeah, you were guaranteed to be born 'cause your birth was part of a string of inevitable events set in motion at the beginning of time...

the opposite of determinism is indeterminism or nondeterminism, which holds that certain events are not caused deterministically by prior events... in other words, some events can happen by chance, without any apparent cause... if the universe is nondeterministic, then your birth was *not* guaranteed; in fact, *nothing* is guaranteed...

so.........pick your philosophy... i hope that helps... good luck!
2016-12-02 4:01 pm
Thats a mater for belief and speculation. I suspect it's like the lottery, very long odds but every week someone wins.

Congratulations! You won lifes lottery. There's also a free gift at the end of it all and thats guaranteed, no matter what
2016-12-02 2:49 pm
Even if we do live forever, the chances of us getting a spot in line to be reborn here on earth again is like 1 to 10 to the power of an almost infinite amount of beings like us who are ahead of us waiting for the same thing. It would be best, if anyone is in a hurry, to accept whatever life form comes along that is in need of an intelligent soul.
2016-12-02 1:57 pm
Is there anything other than hundred percent certainty that if you are then you ARE, or for that matter, if anything is that thing IS? Could you be only half in existence, or someone else – for then you would be still, but as another 'you'. You could not have been NOT. The world of possibilities exists within existence, and not beyond it, where all that is possible also exists simultaneously.

There is fallacy in doubting the facts in existence, just as it is fallacious to consider infinity as a measure or an amount, and to say 'infinite number of times', or 'infinite distances'. This fact is infinity is not a measure or count, instead, a theoretical concept to encapsulate the property of the physical world beyond the reach of human mind still counting.

The reality of existence is that it IS, what is IS is existence, and within it, anything either IS or IS NOT; it is either 0 or 1, with nothing in between, no probabilistic chances or possibilities otherwise. Our existence is rounded into the simple matter of 'to be or not to be', If something IS, it simply is, where it never was and will never be in existence by chance, but by the force of certainty to take form of its being. Unless one tries to twist the mind through imagining the impossible, the fact is obvious, just as certain it is that one is born, it was certain that one is will be.
2016-12-02 6:58 am
Elders and knowledgeable people in my family told me another story. In order to reap a good harvest, they first became best agriculturists in the world.

They invested in intellectual stock in order to generate an additional knowledge. Let us discover how they did it.
參考: compiled.

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