can i feed my german shepherd dog raw egg with boiled rice?

2016-12-02 5:17 am

回答 (10)

2016-12-04 5:40 am
● "Can i feed my german shepherd dog raw egg with boiled rice?"

Problem - there is no word "i", no word "german".
My breed's real breed-name translates into English as German Shepherd Dog, with each word requiring a capital initial, and giving GSD as the abbreviation.
If you haven't studied the link supplied by [Lorraine], do so.

There is a possible problem with raw eggs - the albumen (egg-white) trends to bind minerals & vitamins to itself instead of releasing them to the digestive process. However. the late Nem Elliott (breeder of the famous "av Hvitsand" kennel in Britain, and then "Vikkas av Hvitsand" with her husband, Percy) used to feed her pregnant & nursing bỉtches a dozen eggs a day, and get magnificent coats. But that was back in the days when kibbles were unknown or just getting introduced.
The rice definitely needs to be cooked, to make it digestible.

But you should NOT regard these 2 elements as a satisfactory COMPLETE diet. To get a wide enough range of minerals and vitamins you should include a variety of raw animal proteins, including organs and bones - birds, fish (but NOT the needle-shaped bones), mammals in particular. In my area, 'chicken' wings, hearts. giblets tend to be cheapest.

You didn't state your pet's age. The minerals and vitamins & carbohydrates are ESPECIALLY important during the growth period before 2½ years old, and are CRUCIAL during the first 9 or 10 months when the bones are lengthening and muscles developing. has the Diet Sheet my buyers find on the back of their pet's pedigree.

to your browser, so that you can easily look up all sorts of information about dogs, especially GSDs. "Thanks to" Yahoo's /neo/-nut programmer, the settings have been changed from "Open" to "Restricted", so you'll need to apply to Join by sending an e-mail to
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To discuss GSDs, join some groups such as
The people in them KNOW about GSDs. Plus you can include actual photos in your posts.
To find other groups or breeds, type the breed-name into the top field of
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King Les The Lofty - first pup in 1950; GSD breeder & trainer as of 1968
2016-12-02 9:00 am
I always feed raw eggs but then I raw feed.

My opinion to the OP is if you are a kibble feeder then cook the egg. If you are generally a raw feeder then feed raw, however, WHY if either would you bother with rice and egg, and I hope you don't mean that is all you want to feed the dog as that holds very little nutritional value for a canine.

I don't see the problem with some egg and rice but only as an extra and never as a main diet.
2016-12-02 1:56 pm
It's not a complete and/or a nutritionally balanced quality diet.

Feed it properly;
2016-12-02 11:21 am
As a one off when you have run out of dog food, yes. Everyday, no.
2016-12-02 1:09 pm
2016-12-02 5:41 am
Why? Why the rice?
2016-12-02 5:30 am
Raw egg poses a Salmonella risk to you as well as the dog. Raw egg takes more energy to digest than the amount of nutrition your dog would get out of it. A cooked egg would be better. White rice has very little nutritional value. It is mostly just starch. I wouldn't feed my dog raw egg abnd I'd avoid white rice.
2016-12-02 3:17 pm
Rice has zero nutritional value although egg is fine.
2016-12-02 12:16 pm
yep though i wouldnt make a staple diet of it
2016-12-02 8:06 am
Why cook the rice and not the egg? What kind of shanty do you live in?

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