How much would you be willing to pay a sitter to stay overnight and watch your two elementary age children?

2016-12-01 11:50 pm
I've been nannying these two girls for the past two years and their (single) dad has asked me to spend the night at their house and watch his kids while he travels out of state for work. He asked me how much extra I would charge for spending the night, and he usually pays me $10 an hour. I've watched kids overnight before but usually just tell the parents to pay me what they think is reasonable, but he's insisting I give him a number. What do you think is reasonable for two elementary aged girls?

回答 (4)

2016-12-02 4:49 am
You've been nannying for only $10 an hour? That's less than I pay a babysitter for two children, much less what I'd pay an actual nanny.

If I were to hire someone overnight, I would pay the same rate as any other time. Minimum of $15 per hour for two children, upwards from there.
2016-12-02 12:03 am
Asker: I will be staying from noon Saturday to Sunday night at around six if that helps any.
2016-12-04 5:55 pm
I'd start her out with $20 / hour, and increase that by 25¢ / hour for each additional hour past mid night she has to stay up with the kids
參考: My opinion. 😃
2016-12-02 3:08 am
Whenever I've done overnight I've just requested the hourly wage to continue overnight, so if you are there 24 hours, he pays you for 24 hours even if you were sleeping for 8 of them.
2016-12-02 1:36 am
Depends on thier routine. When i baby sit i don't charge at all though. My sister used to baby sit a lot and she charged minimum $7 an hour for 1 kid and $3 for each kid additional per hour. So 2 kids for 3 hours she comes out with $30. She used to charge $15 for every hour after midnight until 6 am. Yeah, she mad a killing back then

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