Liberals, If Hillary Clinton was so great how come she never expressed any love for the poorly educated like Trump did? Doesn't she care?

2016-12-01 5:11 pm
At least Trump was inclusive and included people who were poorly educated. Hillary totally ignored the poorly educated. Now tell me which candidate was more sensitive?

Trump won by being an inclusive candidate.

回答 (5)

2016-12-01 5:12 pm
Most people who voted for her were blue collar workers of small education.
2016-12-01 5:11 pm
Rolls eyes!!!
2016-12-01 5:23 pm
You have GOT to be kidding...
2016-12-01 5:18 pm
Trump won by fooling morons into voting for a guy who doesn't know what he's doing.
2016-12-01 8:10 pm
She did, she focused on blacks and Latinos but not whites because she had already insulted the poor whites calling them "deplorable". And the Dems assumed Hillary had the white educated vote in the bag. The polls were so wrong they said the problem must be Russian cyber attacks. They STILL dont acknowledge it was the candidate herself who was terrible.

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