Should I completely cut the connection with this girl?

2016-12-01 4:08 pm
There was this girl from my old class and ten years later she messages me on Facebook and we even met up with each other. We have spoken a lot, but I get very bad vibes from her, to the point where I feel sick. I understand that she is anorexic, but she constantly hates on people, she's depressed, suicidal and even attempted suicide not long ago, she is extremely pessimistic.
I told her to talk to her parents about her problems and to keep a better connection with a counselor, but she keeps on saying that nobody understands her. When I talk to her on Skype she makes these strange movements with her hands trying to imitate a wave.
I have met girls who also said how they attempted suicide, but turned out not to be true. For instance she attempted to hang herself in the wardrobe and the police broke down the door of her apartment and pulled her out of the wardrobe and arrested her. According to her, she didn't call anybody at all and nobody knew. So now I can't be quite sure of her.
We were never friends and I really don't want to go back in the past because it was so long ago, she already these couple of months with talking to her made me feel sick. I was actually depressed for a month and I don't even have mental health problems, also one risk factor for suicide is exposure to others who are suicidal.
I don't want to tell her this, because if she then kills herself I will feel guilty, at the same time this is not healthy for me, and I feel I need to slowly cut the connection.

回答 (5)

2016-12-01 5:56 pm
I feel sorry for her and she undoubtedly has a lot of issues, but her problems shouldn't weigh down on you so much. You have every right to cut this girl off because it isn't fair for you to have to deal with this. Do it the way you said, slowly cut the connection.
2016-12-19 9:11 am
yes; she sounds like a drag. but you could print this out for her:----------------
Its a symptom of depression. It means your brain is not producing sufficient serotonin. Depression is common but easy to treat. So tell a dr. how you feel and ask for an antidepressant.-------

The one that worked best for me was Sertraline. It takes 2-3 wks for your body to adjust to it during which time you will have trouble staying asleep. But, after that, you will become a relaxed, confident, healthy person.------------------------

Find some big happy churches, attend age-appropriate groups there and have fun. Talk with the pastor/minister. A good one can show you how to have perfect peace. And where else can you get counseling for FREE? Remember, God loves you more than you can possibly imagine.
2016-12-01 8:08 pm
move on
2016-12-01 4:11 pm
Hmm! Bad vibes are not a good sign. Drop the poor soul!
2016-12-01 4:09 pm
If you don't want the drama, then distance yourself

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