Why is every chick here in Jersey flipping out over Trump and him banning abortion?

2016-11-30 3:44 pm
I mean Jesus Christ I live in Jersey and when I want to catch some rays during the winter I fly down to Florida if your such a fan of abortion it will still be legal in Canada.

Hell I hear there president is even more liberal then Obama. Serious. My brother in law flies to Canada all the time for work and tickets are cheap. If you need an abortion what are you freaking out over. Just get on a plane and go to Canada.

If I can fly down to Florida for some sunshine you can fly to Canada for your abortions.

I don't know why everyone is freaking out over Trump. My stock options just shot thru the roof so I am happy. Why cant you just get over it all ready.

回答 (10)

2016-11-30 3:46 pm
The toilet bowl of women lost bigly
2016-11-30 3:47 pm
Sorry Snooky, but having seen just five minutes of 'Jersey Shore' convinced me Jersey people shouldn't breed at all, so I'm hoping Trump adds sterilization to healthcare for all people there.
2016-11-30 5:17 pm
Lol you're as much of an idiot as the people who think he can actually ban abortion. Supreme Court ruled in Roe v. Wade that abortion is permitted. The only way that can be overturned is through a law issued by congress or if another Supreme Court case arising from abortion comes up and the Supreme Court overturns its previous decision.

The chances of either happening in the next 8 years are slim. Trump can, however, direct the justice department to "disregard" the law and not sue states that impose on or even ban abortion. If this were to happen, the laws on abortion would be left up to the states. Each state legislature would have to decide whether to keep or abolish abortion. I highly doubt the legislature in NJ would ban abortion, because after all, they want to be elected again and abortion is such a hot button issue that they'll likely not mess with it.
2016-11-30 4:30 pm
Trump is NOT going to overturn Woe vs Wade. At most it will be left up to the states to decide. I'm more concerned over congress defunding things like Medicare and Medicaid and Social Security. There is no way that Trump is going to alienate all those potential voters by completely outlawing abortion. Possibly restricting its use and limiting the time in which it can be used except in cases of harm to the mother is all well and good. But you can't punish a woman for deciding not to have a child when the circumstances arise from rape, or the mother was incapable of understanding she could get pregnant and not in a position to raise the child. What will the government do with all these 'unwanted children' if the law does pass? How many 'abandoned babies' will we begin to see? Republicans don't want to pay 'entitlements' to care for these children, so what will happen to them?
2016-11-30 4:16 pm
Firstly, abortion won't be banned, and "morning after" contraception is available everywhere already anyway. Trump likes to constantly talk out of his *** ***, in case you haven't noticed, changing his mind every few seconds.

As for women wanting the right to make their own decisions? If you aren't smart or sensitive enough to figure that one out then no one can help you,
2016-11-30 4:15 pm
Because they are smarter than you
only dumb people voted for Trump.
People with a higher intelligence realize he's a terrible choice for president and a vile human being.
2016-11-30 3:54 pm
The issue is less abortion itself and more the proposal to stop funding Planned Parenthood. The funds that go to PP are used for cancer screenings, birth control, and other women's health issues for those who cannot afford it. By defunding it, the implication exists that the government doesn't care about the health of women.
2016-11-30 3:52 pm
Would you flip out if you had to fly to Canada to, say, be treated for flu or strep throat? Why should women have to fly out of the country to have a medical procedure performed safely? No one is a 'fan' of abortion; but if a woman is in a situation where she needs to have one, she should be able to access that care anywhere she wants. IMO, any person without a uterus has no standing to debate, much less control access to, abortion.
2016-11-30 3:48 pm
Willy just needs to be contained in his rubber suit and problem is solved.
2016-11-30 3:48 pm
He has in no way banned abortion, nor called in his agenda to even try.

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