不好意思!有人可以馬上幫幫我嗎? 幫我翻譯文章的段落!?

2016-11-30 1:32 pm
other museums are sending items that once resided in dark storage rooms to satellite locations.New York's Guggenheim Museum was one of the first to do this,setting ups location in Spain.The Pompidou Center in Paris,France,has set up some satellite locations with striking architecture.its building in Malaga,Spain,is shaped like a glass cube.
Meanwhite the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles has set up a space called the Underground Museum .It's located in a working-class neighborhood,so people who would't normally visit the museum can experience the art.

不好意思!有人可以馬上幫幫我嗎? 幫我翻譯文章的段落!

回答 (1)

2016-11-30 1:41 pm
其他博物館發送曾經居住在黑暗的儲藏室的項目到衛星地點。紐約的古根海姆博物館是第一個做這個的地方,在西班牙設置位置。在法國巴黎的蓬皮杜中心設立了一些衛星地點 醒目的建築在馬拉加,西班牙,形狀象玻璃立方體。

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