2016-11-30 1:09 am
Just recently, we have been getting these bugs in our house and we dont know what they are. Are they fleas,ticks? We have 2 dogs. They are on beds, floors, walls, ect. Please help me

回答 (6)

2016-11-30 1:15 am
That's a tick. You may need an exterminator.
2016-11-30 2:12 am
Team Lizzie. That's a tick.
2016-11-30 1:25 am
Lizzie is correct .
2016-11-30 7:43 pm
That looks like a tick. Ticks are arachinids, which have 8 legs. Fleas are insects, which have 6 legs.
2016-11-30 11:47 am
Hmmmmmmmmm, it seems like your mama or your sister sister
2016-11-30 2:23 am
It is definitely a tick. You will want to check everyone in your family for them and go to the doctor so you don't get lime disease

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 23:53:44
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