Liberal feminists, Are you thrilled and slightly consoled that France may have its first women president next year?

2016-11-29 8:45 pm
I mean, you kept telling us here in the USA how a woman president is long overdue; I imagine you apply the same logic to France, right?

You will celebrate an historic milestone if Marine Le Pen wins, right?

回答 (11)

2016-11-29 8:46 pm
Sure, similar to how thrilled we were about the possibility of Sarah Palin becoming Vice President, except more so.
2016-11-29 8:46 pm
We were thinking a competent, sane woman.
2016-11-29 8:48 pm
Were you dropped on your head as a child?
2016-11-29 8:50 pm
No, because Le Pen is a right-wing Fascist, not a human being.
2016-11-29 8:46 pm
I think the EU is going to fail. Viva La France en Le Pen
2016-11-29 9:54 pm
"Liberal feminists, Are you thrilled and slightly consoled that France may have its first women president next year?"

Marie Le Pen is on the Right of the political spectrum. She is a populist candidate running on the momentum of Brexit and the Trump victory. So she will definitely test the feminist mettle so to speak.

If they want a woman, then they will be voting in a populist (for the people) candidate in Le Pen. But if feminists wish to for their social change and collectivist Establishment backed agenda then they will have to vote for a MAN.

Tough choice ahead. It might actually make clueless self-identified feminists think about what they actually stand for.
2016-11-29 9:25 pm
Liberal feminists will be totally clueless about that, because it's not on this year's list of incredibly important issues that feminists are supposed to care about.

Check in next year, when feminists will have been told what to think.

As for me, I can't wait for Le Pen to become the French president. I adore France, and I have been very upset the past couple of years with all of the attacks by radical muslims. Le Pen has the policies to fight the threat of Islam head on.
2016-11-29 9:07 pm
Right-wing fascism is not the way to go.
2016-11-29 9:10 pm
Not so much, no. They're saddened however that you've been apparently so abused and misused by women for most of your adult life that you've emerged as a desperately hateful, misogynistic man-child.
2016-11-30 8:36 pm
They would have to be. If they're not going to support her, then they are just sexist and mysogynists.
2016-11-30 7:16 am
Vive Marine!! 😆

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