求英語高手, 中翻譯英~?

2016-11-29 3:15 pm
請幫忙查看附件內容需要修改或NOT? 如沒有問題我將會提供給李生. 請問附件內簽署人在你們BOC是否已生效? 或什麼時候生效?

回答 (3)

2016-11-30 8:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
An ambiguous case=treat this signature effective or not? when,where, whom?How does it to connect with BOC?
---Please see the attached form needs to be amended or not .
If there is no problem,I shall submit the completed form to Mr.Li.
Is the signature on the attachment effective by your BOC ?
(if not,when does the signature becomes effective?)
2016-11-30 1:42 pm
Please help to see if the contents of the annex need to be modified or NOR? If there is no problem I will be provided to Li Sheng. Will the signatories in the annex to your BOC has been in force or when?
2016-11-30 12:35 am
Please check the attachment whether it need to be amended or not. If ok, I will summit it to 李生. Is the signature in the attachment effective by your BOC ? Or would you mind telling me the effective date?

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