When is the last day to get the health insurance without a fine for 2016?

2016-11-29 6:02 am

回答 (5)

2016-11-29 7:16 pm
That was months ago.
2016-11-29 1:50 pm
About 10 months ago. Without a Delorean that goes 88mph and a flux capacitor, you'll be in line for the fine. For 2017, you have ~2 more months to get coverage.

The bigger fear and question, however, SHOULD BE, "How do I pay a $150,000 hospital bill without insurance?"
2016-12-17 11:32 pm
that was months ago...
2016-12-04 5:01 pm
january 31 but congress may repeal the whole thing
2016-11-30 6:27 pm
January 31 but Congress may repeal the whole thing
2016-11-29 4:02 pm
I believe it is Dec 15

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