She won't add me?

2016-11-29 1:48 am
Met a girl who also goes to my school at a party. We spent the whole night talking and got along pretty well, so I sent her a friend request on Facebook that night. Now several days later, she still hasn't added me. Knowing her, she's a huge Facebook-er who's always on every minute, and has over 900+ friends, but still she won't/hasn't added me. What's going on here? Has anyone else experienced this type of scenario? Thanks in advance everyone!

回答 (2)

2016-11-29 1:50 am
Send her a private message to start with and keep in contact that way.When she's ready she should add you as friend.Look after her and treat her right.
2016-11-29 1:50 am
Probably gets tons of friend requests because of the amount she has so she ignores them. I believe you can send her a message regardless if your friends or not. Do that and remind her :)

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