What's a cheap multi bedroom hotel in new?

2016-11-29 12:01 am
My art class is heading to New York in a couple months the problem is, I'm the only guy going with 10 girls, usually I wouldn't complain but the Art Teacher says I'm likely gonna have to pay full cost of a room for me to stay in, and I am not exactly made of cash, so I was wondering if there's any cheap hotels with either 2 bedrooms, or a bedroom and a living room that me a 5 girls can split the cost of and have our own privacy

回答 (4)

2016-11-29 12:59 am
All the hotels in NYC that are cheap are actually still relatively expensive, and they are awful. Have you thought about staying in a hostel? That's where you'll get the best deal. And you'll meet interesting people there from around the world. The New York hostel is more expensive than most hostels in the United States but, under the circumstances, it is probably the best deal you can get. I've stayed in youth hostels fairly often, and I've always enjoyed them.

If you want more information about the hostel in New York, you can get it at: https://www.hiusa.org/hostels/new-york/new-york/new-york-city

New York is a great city and it has fantastic art museums. I'm sure you have a wonderful time.
2016-11-29 2:06 am
I ran zillions of trips to NYC with my school groups. No HS is going to give you permission to stay with 5 girls. Or one. The staff leading the trip should make responsible and FAIR arrangements.
2016-11-29 12:35 am
That's not really fair to you. The cost of all the rooms should be divided equally.
2016-12-05 3:26 am
The Hotel Wellington does-- we stayed there a couple years ago, my family, inlaws, and sister-in-law and her family. We got a 2 bd suite, as did the sister in law, and the inlaws got a one bed with a full kitch and living room. Not all rooms like that but they did a great job of putting us all together. Isn't there a male teacher going? Then you could share a room with him.

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 23:54:32
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