I'm 14 years old and I want some extra cash?

2016-11-28 9:32 pm
I'm saving for a 200 hundred gallon aquarium

回答 (4)

2016-11-28 10:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I don't know how much aquariums cost. But, I am guessing that they cost at least $4000 dollars.

I have the answer for you. You need $4000 dollars, right? I am now going to raise $4000 dollars for you but you have to read what I write and then write this information into your notebook and then just take action.You must always have your notebook nearby to write information and all kinds of details no matter what you are doing. It is a "learning" tool.

When you finally want to get a job you must write the exact date (Day and Month) that you started work and the very exact day and month you terminated and moved to another job. If you don't have these records at your fingertips, you will be very frustrated.

Here we go. Are you ready? Good.

Write this down: Auto Geek and Chemical Guys. These are two resources for the equipment you will need. You find them online. You look at their products. You watch their videos.

You are going to WASH CARS to raise money. Look around at all the filthy cars in your neighborhood. You are the solution to everybody's problem. They are much to lazy to wash their own cars. YOU are going to offer a service where you WASH and WAX their cars for them for $15 bucks. You will build up to around 15 cars per day. That will become 20 cars in the summer time. Go ahead. Add it up. It is WAY more money that you would earn on any stupid low level job. Say "GOODBYE" to a Fast Food job. It is the biggest waste of time on this earth.

They have WASH and WAX in a bottle. It is a concentrate. They will teach you how to use it. You just watch their videos on your computer.

They have spray bottles that you will buy.

They have Micro-fiber cloth that you will buy. I recommend that you buy at least 50. I will tell you why. Just keep reading.

You will buy WHEEL CLEANER. It is a liquid that you spray onto the wheels. Buy the small brush that allows you to get into the small openings in the aluminum wheels. Buy a larger brush to clean the wider surfaces.

Now you are ready to wash cars. You will charge $15 per car. It is a waterless wash. Well, you only spray on the WASH and WAX and then wipe it off. You do not need to wash the car with a hose and waste many gallons of water. Pay attention to their instructions in their videos on how to wipe the liquid off the surface of the car. It is very easy.

I told you to buy at least 50 cloths so you can work all day without stopping. You might be better off by buying 100 cloths. Then you will have enough to work like crazy without stopping. You cannot work if you don't have the MICRO-FIBER CLOTHS. I think you will use four cloths per car. That comes to 60 cloths per day. More in summer. So buy at least 60 cloths. As soon as you raise more money, but 60 more cloths.

Watch their videos many times over. Learn how to use the cloth. Learn how to apply the WASH and WAX. Learn how to fold the cloth and use a clean side of the cloth so you do not scratch the cars. Watch their videos, they will teach you how to fold the cloth.

Cleaning the wheels is where you first spray on pure water. Then spray on the WHEEL CLEANER then use the brushes to scrub the wheels. That's it. Nothing else. They will become sparkling clean. You do need one spray bottle for clean water and the WHEEL CLEANER should already be in a spray bottle.

Your spray bottle for the WASH and WAX holds about 50 ounces. You will fill up the bottle cap and pour it into your 50 oz spray bottle FIVE times. Then shake the bottle well. You pump up your spray bottle by hand and it supplies you with a nice spray. Do not spray it on the windows of the cars. The wash and wax will lay a film onto the windows that is hard to get off. Just spray the wash and wax onto your cloth and wipe areas that are around the windows. Do NOT get that cleaner on the windows at all. Practice on your own car or your parent's car. Wash and Wax your parent's car MANY times so you get very skilled at this. And you MUST become skilled at keeping it off the windows. You buy a good quality WINDOW CLEANER for the windows. Wipe it off with newspapers. Nothing better than cleaning windows with newspapers. But if you can't find any newspapers, but 50 YELLOW Micro-Fiber cloths for the windows. Tell the Chemical Guys that you want 50 cloths that are especially for windows. They have them. I use the yellow colored cloths.

You need $4000. You will wash 266 cars and that money will be in your bank in 18 days if you do 15 cars per day. Do you need MORE than $4000 dollars? Okay, then keep washing cars until you raise $8000.00 By that time you will have many more than 267 customers. You will wash each car once every two weeks. Maybe even ONCE a week. Double it and keep doubling it until you are so full of money that you will not be able to carry it all to the bank. You will have to buy a wheel barrow.

How do you find the people to wash their cars?

You print up a flyer that you make on your computer. You place your flyers on their windshield under their windshield wipers. You simply go to 267 addresses and leave your flyers on the windshield of their cars.

Here is one other way to get your customers. Go to their homes and ask if you can show them something. Ask their permission to show them what you can do to make their car look brand new. Then just spray and wipe one part of their car. Like, the trunk or the hood on the engine. Or just one door. They will see that it looks like NEW. They will then give you permission to do the whole car. Collect your $15.00 and keep on going.

Here is what I do. I find the dirty cars on my street. I leave a flyer on their windshield. They call me almost immediately. My flyer says this. PLEASE ALLOW ME TO CLEAN YOUR CAR AND MAKE IT LOOK LIKE NEW. I WILL WASH and WAX IT WHERE IT SITS RIGHT NOW. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO DRIVE IT ANYWHERE. I WILL BE THERE WITHIN 5 MINUTES AND IT WILL BE READY 45 MINUTES LATER. MAYBE LESS. DO NOT WORRY. I AM NOT GOING TO USE YOUR HOSE. THANK YOU. Your neighbor -- Eddy

If they ask you if you can vacuum the inside, tell them that you are saving for a real good strong vacuum and you will clean the insides of their car and make it so clean they can eat Peking Duck off the carpet. You will need to charge an extra $5 dollars but it will be worth it. For now your price is just $15 dollars for wash and wax.

You clean the car and the wheels also for that price. That is all you need to tell them. But, actually you are washing their cars without having to use a hose. Your spray bottle with the WASH and WAX is all you need. My van is 20 years old and it looks like a new vehicle. I live in California and we are not allowed to use our hoses. That is when I found WASH and WAX. It is a WATERLESS methodology.

Contact Auto Geek or Chemical Guys and get started. Remember to learn from their videos. Then practice on your own car. Wash and Wax your own car a few times and then you will be ready.

You will soon have your $4000 and a whole lot more. One thing to remember. Do not wash and wax in the sun. Only in the shade or a real cloudy day.

You're welcome!!!
2016-11-28 10:18 pm
Check the your harmonic resonance website.
2016-11-29 5:12 pm
you have anything you can sell, that's a start or canvass the neighborhood for small jobs they will pay you to do
2016-11-28 11:35 pm
try working as a tester

2016-11-28 9:37 pm
why tho
2016-11-28 9:33 pm
Have you considered selling your body to science?

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