What is a good means of self defense that a 16 year old can carry legally?

2016-11-28 9:23 pm
Well I ve come to a time in my life where I do a lot of traveling whether if it s with school, family, and with all this traveling I have been to some pretty sketchy places and my main concern would be something happening to me, or even worse my loved ones, so what would be something I could carry that would give me an edge in a fight or a mugging. Well I know I can usually carry knife just not when I on say a school field trip so what s something I could bring on trips that won t get me in trouble.

回答 (5)

2016-11-28 10:04 pm
My friend always carries around pepper spray and a taser. If she can bring them to school daily, I don't see why you couldn't bring them on a trip.
2016-11-28 9:50 pm
The ability to know who to avoid.
2016-11-28 9:41 pm
Karate training.
A knife is dangerous for you as well, because an attacker could take it from you and stab you.
Take self-defense or martial arts training so you know how to handle yourself.
I have been through all sorts of rough areas in different countries and my best defence is confidence. I stand tall, walk straight with my head up as if I am very confident. I have never had any trouble. Criminals with bad intentions look for people who are weak or scared because they know they are easy targets. They stay away from confident people.
2016-11-28 9:27 pm
Pepper Spray.
2016-11-28 9:26 pm
These hands

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