Why do people not look at what communism is as an ideology, rather than say it is evil by comparing it to brutal dictators such as Stalin?

2016-11-28 4:12 pm

回答 (6)

2016-11-28 5:14 pm
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Most people have not read the Communist Manifesto, as I have. It requires an all powerful totalitarian government to take control in the beginning, which must force the initiation of Communism upon the nation, through death and destruction and executions, if necessary. Eventually, the government is supposed to wither away, leaving a Communist utopia in place.
Sadly, Communism never seems to get past the first part.
2016-11-28 4:13 pm
I look at the people trying to usher in communism and realize they'd be no different. It's not as if they bother denying it.
2016-11-28 5:54 pm
Communism always ends up with brutal dictators. They go after the rich first, and the poor and middle class are usually ok with that. Leftists in the West fawn over them and praise them for showing the world that communism can work; but eventually the communists go after the middle class, and the economy begins to break down. The people turn against them and the communists have to either surrender power in free elections or institute a totalitarian government. They invariably choose the latter. Opposition parties are banned, critics are rounded up and jailed, the press is heavily censored. Pretty soon you have a Gulag or The Killing Fields. Western Leftists shrug it off and claim they were never true communists
2016-11-28 4:15 pm
people that think do ..idealism aside, the bottom line is its just a more efficient way to rob all of the wealth out of a region than capitalism ..
2016-11-28 4:35 pm
I agree with Conservatives that Communism is practice is simply unworkable. It requires a large number of incorruptible administrators to distribute and manage the entire nation's wealth without benefiting themselves or their acquaintances. Its moral objectives may be noble, but in the real world it can't be obtained as it gives a central government too much power.
2016-11-28 4:26 pm
I suppose because this is the way the ideology has become incarnated. No country with Communist ideology in the government has been humane.

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