如私人屋苑內問題, 例如隔離住戶屋內的狗吠聲, 多次向管理處投訴, 都結果依然沒有用. 我能否報警或向那個有關部門求助?
回答 (2)
The answer is yes.
Under Section 5(3) of the Noise Control Ordinance (Hong Kong Ordinances Chapter 400):
" (3) 任何人於任何時間,在住用處所或公眾地方畜養動物或雀鳥,而該動物或雀鳥發出的噪音對任何人而言是其煩擾的根源,即屬犯罪。"
In fact, the police is authorized under the Ordinance to charge violators.
So contacting the police is what you should do.
收錄日期: 2021-04-23 23:57:05
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