What type of gaming PC do i need?

2016-11-28 12:46 am
I mainly just want to play CS:GO
i might play a little h1z1
possibly Minecraft
So how much would a PC strictly for csgo cost?
would i have to build it myself or are there already PCs out there?

回答 (4)

2016-11-28 3:58 am
It will be better if you can build your own PC. CS:GO and H1Z1 doesn't require a lot of resource but when you're building one, you can make something which can be upgradable without tossing out any hardware. If you need help with you build, email me with your budget.
參考: Email : [email protected]
2016-11-29 1:27 pm
it's funny to me that you think just because you're only playing one game you can get by with a slower pc.
tell me, if you're only going to watch one channel on satellite, do you not need a subscription?
if you're only going to and from work, which is 10 miles away, could you just walk?
it's not quite that simple...
2016-11-28 12:48 am
asus pc "republic of gamers"
2016-11-28 12:47 am

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