Any advice on how to start a business?

2016-11-27 7:12 pm
I'm 15 and I want to start a business. I want to challenge myself with something new. I'm not a little kid anymore so don't say lemonade stand or stuff like that. I've always been interested into business and entrepreneurship and that's what I want to go to college for. i have lots of dreams as a kid. Can anyone help me please?

回答 (5)

2016-11-29 9:14 pm
what you need to do right now at 15 is see what you can produce and sell without getting involved with lots of legal stuff because you can't do a lot of things until you are an adult
and starting a 'business' is certainly more involved than just a 'business, you need to have something specific in mind and set your goals to achieve it
2016-11-28 5:23 pm
u may not do so without a parent working with you
2016-11-27 7:16 pm
Well, ask yourself this, "What are my greatest passions?" Do you want to change the world? With that answer you can gather some ideas for what type of business you want to run.
After you decide what you want out of it, I'd suggest going to people in that business and ask them how they started out.
A big thing with entrepreneurship is knowing people and knowing how to talk to people, how to win them over for the better. Expanding yourself and going out of your comfort zone to reach all people. Research is also really important. If you've decided what you really want, do as much research on that topic as you can. Start a savings account. To make money you have to spend money.
Since you're 15 , you're probably in High school still. There might be college prep courses at your HS that involve running a business, so I'd look into that first. You can also check into internships at local businesses to get a feel of what running a business is like.
Good luck
2016-11-27 7:13 pm
Google 'businesses for kids by kids'. There are some very good things online out there.
2016-11-27 7:14 pm
Wait til you're 21. You're too young. Go back to playing call of duty and eating Cheetos on your moms couch and making jokes about people's moms

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