are new Yorkers rude?

2016-11-27 5:04 pm

回答 (9)

2016-11-27 5:42 pm
No more rude or polite than people in other parts of the U.S. New Yorkers do tend to be focused on and assertive getting to wherever their destination is and are pretty direct in their interactions with others.
2016-11-27 8:26 pm
Ask us again and I'll have to smack you. Is THAT what you wanted to hear? People in the Northeast get really tired of folks assuming that because we tend to be highly educated professionals, Union members, and are Democratic liberals, that we are evil. Other places are tired off people assuming they are ignorant Bible thumping hayseeds and alt-right supporters. This country seriously needs to start taking to each other as PEOPLE, not separate groups defined by folks who run useless and divisive polls. We are very polite New Yorkers who got YELLED AT by a tour guide in Charleston, SC like we were still waging war and planning to bomb the harbor again! Let it go, Tour Lady!
2016-11-27 5:11 pm
Hey! What we all have to keep in mind is that you will find rude people everywhere you go! The trick to dealing with it is to ignore them and move on.

New Yorkers have a reputation of being rude, just like Southerners have their reputation of "southern hospitality" and how nice they are. But in reality, that is just derogatory and a simple stereotype; doesn't mean it's true! I was born in NY, and moved to the south and experienced rude, nasty people in both parts.

You have to remember that the way we grow up, and are raised determines how we are going to act.

So in short, yes some New Yorkers are rude, and some are kind. However that is how it will be everywhere and anywhere you go!
2016-11-27 5:23 pm
They are abrupt
2016-11-28 6:17 pm
Not particularly. Really, not more than others. The daily life is certainly different than many other places so what may be considered 'rude' in some places often is completely unnoticed in NYC. On the other hand, what may be perfectly acceptable on other places can be quite rude in NYC.
2016-11-28 3:53 am
Just don't stand in a crowd on the sidewalk while you try to figure out what you want to do next. New Yorkers trying to get to work may get testy when they can't get by.
2016-11-27 5:51 pm
There are some rude people wherever you go. Not everyone is nice and not everywhere is full of sunshine and rainbows. Wake the feck up. You are always going to go through life bumping into a complete and utter butt hole.
You cannot avoid these people forever.
Sorry but that is life
2016-12-05 3:30 am
No, I've found them generally friendly people. Except the immigrants- most of them are rude and unfriendly.
2016-11-28 10:27 pm
yes because we deal with bs everyday and we don't have time to jack around

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