求英語高手, 中翻譯英~?

2016-11-27 4:51 pm
我們會把2014-15件有關文件船運給你們美國公司. 附件和以下為船運資料;

回答 (3)

2016-11-27 6:12 pm
We will send against US Company your shipping related files 2014-15. Attachment document and shipping data enclosed.
2017-01-09 6:56 pm
We will ship the 2014-15 documents to your USA office. Attached and listed below are the details of the shipping.
2016-11-28 2:08 am
我們會把2014-15件有關文件船運給你們美國公司. 附件和以下為船運資料

We will deliver the fifteen related documents in 2014 to your USA company by ship, the attachment and information below are about the shipping.

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 15:49:06
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