Are you guys happy or sad that Ariel Castro is dead?

2016-11-27 4:50 pm
Be honest and no trolling

回答 (5)

2016-11-27 4:51 pm
Obama will probably go to the funeral and start crying
2016-11-27 4:54 pm
Why would I be? He was a criminal and a serial killer. But why are you interested in a 3 year old news story and posting about it in politics?
2016-11-27 5:30 pm
To me it doesn't matter, because the damage he caused has been done ! The name is Fidel by the way !
2016-11-27 5:02 pm
Sure, very happy that Ariel Castro committed suicide in his cell back in 2013, it saved the tax payers money.

I am mildly pleased the "Fidel" Castro died but he was an old man, no longer the vile despot he once was.
2016-11-27 4:51 pm

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