tell me about where you come from and a little bit about who you are?

2016-11-27 12:56 pm

回答 (8)

2016-11-27 1:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
My name is Elysia. I'm 23. I have long wavy hair and blue eyes and pale skin. I'm 5ft3 and quite chubby. I'm terrible at holding a conversation. I am very shy. In my spare time, I dance and like to collect things. I am a bit of a geek sometimes! I am a feminine woman but I have a boyish side. I was born and raised in a small village in Lancashire in England. I am very inquisitive. I am a very strange person and have bad habits. I much prefer being on my own rather than being in others company. I find sharks very fascinating. Ballet and Rhythmic Gymnastics are my main interests.
2016-11-29 7:23 am
I live in a vertical trailer park on the shores of beautiful Lake Effect Erie, and know the names of all the many fish in my river.
參考: Here's one the Mayor had named after me.
2016-11-27 5:06 pm
From Ohio. Male. 68. Love the Stones. Like quantum physics and science stuff. Like cats. Retired. Love England, wish I could live there.
2016-11-28 8:19 am
little bit thirsty
2016-11-28 8:09 am
You tell me to "get a life". Little do you know, you are my life.
2016-11-28 8:03 am
Twinkle twinkle little star/how I wonder what you are/what are you? tell us. we have your family/you aren't safe from us little star
2016-11-27 10:47 pm
The planet Fringus and I am green.
2016-11-27 3:58 pm
Third planet from the star called Sol. I will continue to exist until I do not.
2016-11-27 2:25 pm
I am a 22 year old Mermaid and l am from the Ocean... :))

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