so i dont understand why...?

2016-11-27 8:28 am
WHY U R ALL STUPID ???? not all, but most :\\ like i just dont get how its almost 2017 and a lot of u have stupid assss opinions like how can u be this stupid??? we evolved so much as humans n still u all make these dumb decisions

for example a lot of yall r racist sexist homophobic transphobic xenophobic Islamophobic or like u all dont know how to fuccccin drive and get out the way


these r just a FEW examples i could go on but u all get the point

回答 (4)

2016-11-27 8:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
my penis
2016-11-27 8:31 am
You're coming down hard on people almost as hard as your mom goes down on a guy waving a $5 bill.
2016-11-27 9:03 am
FacePalm so hard from this
2016-11-27 8:39 am
For a second there, I thought it was Kristine...

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