someone stole my car radio and idk how to get it back :(?

2016-11-27 3:48 am

回答 (10)

2016-11-27 12:09 pm
its gone by another one
2016-11-27 4:12 am
Go buy a new one that is removable
2016-11-27 3:52 am
Well join the club😂😂😕
2016-11-27 3:49 am
You won't so go get another one.
2016-11-29 11:48 am
Int impossible. But if you buy your radio from Sony. You have 2 years stealing insurance.
2016-11-27 5:47 pm
So sorry. Replace it, and then don't go around blasting it, tempting thieves to steal it again. You might take a good look at what kind of friends you have. Still, that might not get your stereo back. Somebody knows, but nobody will tell. You could put a "TrackR Bravo" inside the next stereo and track the thief who steals it. The battery is good for a year, they say.
2016-11-27 5:24 am
The recovery rate for car radios is essentially zero - it is gone forever.
2016-11-27 4:07 am
That's simple. Catch the thief.
2016-11-27 3:49 am
Track the person who stole it. Call the cops. Good luck
2016-11-27 3:49 am
follow the wires and see where they go

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