My hdmi cord doesn't work when trying to view nbc live sports (connected from laptop to smart tv) help!?

2016-11-27 1:29 am
I recently bought a smart tv. My boyfriend loves watching the soccer games on nbc sports. we can watch the games live from my laptop.

I figured if i bought an hdmi cord, we can show it on the tv. Wrong. It shows up, but it looks like it's going too slow on the tv to play.

My wifi is excellent and i never experience buffering when watching movies or youtube. why can't i view the nbc live sports games with the hdmi cord?

is there anything else i can try?

回答 (2)

2016-11-27 2:40 pm
There's no reason it shouldn't work. Most current desktop PCs are connected to their monitors using a HDMI cable - which is essentially what you're doing with your laptop. It should display no differently on the TV than on the laptop's own screen. It doesn't make a difference if it's a smart TV or regular dumb TV.

It could be that the display settings need adjusting on the laptop - such resolution and refresh rate. You should also make sure that the HDMI cable isn't too long and that it's compatible with the resolution you want to use. Does everything else on the laptop display OK on the TV - what about if you just have a regular web page open or just the desktop (or Word or Excel or whatever)?
2016-11-27 1:41 am
It could be due to copy protection. which NBC is known to use.

HDMI is required to support HDCP and there is no way around it,
so you may have to live with the situation as it is.

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 23:49:40
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