I bought a jacket i still has the circle security tag i bought it from macys do you know now to remove it?

2016-11-27 12:19 am
i bought it from macys and its circle not a dome

回答 (6)

2016-11-27 12:22 am
The store will have a device to remove it; bring it there. WITH YOUR RECEIPT!!!
2016-11-29 6:44 pm
If you still have the receipt take it back to Macy's . They made the mistake.
2016-11-27 12:48 am
TAKE IT BACK. It will leak ink if you try.
2016-11-27 12:43 am
Bring it back to the store where you bought it with your receipt and they should remove it.If that option is not doable,do what Margaret A said which was:

lots of these security tags can be removed using a couple of magnets, that is how thieves remove them when they shoplift. don't ask me how i have no idea but worth a try on a trial and error basis. otherwise two other options, if you have the receipt take it back for them to remove, or try prising it off with two pairs of pliers one for each side, expose the metal post and cut through it with metal cutters.
2016-11-27 12:27 am
You have to take it back to Macy's. The have a special machine that can remove it. Make sure you have your receipt, you should, if you just bought it. You HAVE to have your proof of purchase!!!!!!!
2016-11-27 12:25 am
lots of these security tags can be removed using a couple of magnets, that is how thieves remove them when they shoplift. don't ask me how i have no idea but worth a try on a trial and error basis. otherwise two other options, if you have the receipt take it back for them to remove, or try prising it off with two pairs of pliers one for each side, expose the metal post and cut through it with metal cutters.

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