Do you really believe trump has never had a cup of coffee or drank alcohol ever?

2016-11-26 8:02 pm
He says he has never had a cup of coffee, an alcoholic drink, a cigarette, weed, or other drugs besides OTC/prescribed ones.

回答 (5)

2016-11-26 9:44 pm
More to the point i honestly dont care if he did or is a caffeine and cigs addict.
2016-11-26 8:09 pm
I think he's telling the truth. His brother was an addict/alcoholic and died a terrible death and that scared Mr. Trump very much, so he's staid on the straight and narrow because alcoholism runs in his family and he doesn't want to find out whether he has it or not, so he doesn't drink or do drugs. It's to be commended not questioned.
2016-11-26 8:09 pm
possibly. I mean i find it hard to believe he never drank alcohol, not even at a fancy party or gathering or whatever but I mean i dont see why he would lie about that. Some people just dont do any of that stuff
2016-11-26 8:06 pm
He's a big fat liar.
2016-11-26 8:03 pm
Never heard the man say this..and,it really matters not,
its not like it impairs his abilities even if he did. So,many
people throw stones..when they live in glass houses.Fact*..~*

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