OK so its nearly Christmas and my mom said she's getting me an iPhone whats kind of new,but I cant guess what it is either 5c or a 6 someth?

2016-11-26 6:41 pm

回答 (3)

2016-11-26 10:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You know your mom really well, to us she's a totally anonymous stranger.

So how on Earth do you expect anyone here to know what she's going to buy you? We're not mind readers.

You don't need to guess what she'll be getting you. You'll find out for certain yourself: in a tiny bit more than four weeks time.
2016-11-26 6:42 pm
6 most likely
2016-11-26 6:45 pm
I wouldnt worry to much cause you may get your hopes up for iphone 6 and it ends up being a iphone 5c

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