the election is over and trump is the winner. But jill stein request to some state to recount the vote.?

2016-11-26 8:21 am
my question is will anything change even they try to recount the vote ?

回答 (8)

2016-11-26 8:23 am
No, it will probably not change anything. Russia hacked our election. The FBI was so busy worrying about Hillary's emails, maybe they should have been paying attention, but they were not.
2016-11-26 8:27 am
When it comes to politics, the surface reasoning is rarely the truth.

Jill Stein requested a recount so that she could aid hillary without hillary being the one to directly request a recount in certain Trump/hillary battleground states.

Think about it, Jill Stein was broke, her campaign relied almost solely on public donations which didn't amount to much, suddenly her request for recount donations went from 2.5 million....changed to 4.5 million......and then it changed to "well I can't guarantee you" results.

That is fishier than 30 day old Tuna.

Hillary's campaign was the one backing Stein's recount claim.

And I'm sure somewhere in there was a promise to mutually benefit Stein if she played along, maybe a cabinet position, who knows.

My point is, politics in America is no different than terminal cancer, very rarely does anything good from it and even that doesn't exist, it's just a hope you have to hang on to because if you don't you become someone so jaded that there's no reason not to shoot yourself in the head due to recognizing this nation's system for what it is, a sham.
2016-11-26 4:50 pm
I don't blame her.

Do you honestly think that Hillary, with 2 million more votes than trump, didn't win the election?
2016-11-26 8:22 am
probably not but if they're willing to pay for the investigation there's no harm in checking, it all goes to verify the integrity of the system, hopefully
2016-11-26 8:24 am
You are wrong, the election is not over. We liberals refuse to accept a racist, sexist, islamaphobic, and xenophobic bigot as our president. The election is far from over. Lady Gaga started a petition to persuade the Electoral College to change their votes over to Hillary, and over 4.5 million people have signed it so far. Hillary Clinton is going to be our 45th president.
2016-11-28 5:51 pm
It might be more interesting to see what the EC has to say about Mr. Trump's possible clash with the constitution over his business interests and their possible conflict with the constitution which forbids any president from accepting payments of any kind from foreign government. Technically since Trump is still head of those businesses, those payments to his company Could be seen as payments to him personally and Could be grounds for impeachment. The EC Could decide to just do away with that whole issue by refusing to confirm Trump on those grounds.
2016-11-26 6:57 pm
Yes. Jill Stein requested a recount in 3 battleground states, Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, because the votes were hacked. Michigan uses only paper ballots, so you can't hack paper, and after Michigan did their recount, Trump was still ahead by 10,000 votes lol. Then online you have posts or articles that say things like, it's demographics that's the problem, or clinton didn't do this or whatever.

The problem is that our government is so effed up, and the people want a change. Trump comes along and says, guess what? I can make change happen. And THAT right there is the main reason why people voted for Trump.

Give the man a chance people. He says things he shouldn't say, but at least he hasn't had people killed. Saying a few bad words is certainly not as bad as murder.
2016-11-26 8:23 am
No, other than some more democrat fraud may be uncovered.

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