What would be the best approach for finding a job at 16 years old?

2016-11-26 7:09 am
Like I've spent hours looking for jobs online, but I only have 6 months experience working in Specsavers, which I did not enjoy so I do not want to work in a place like that again, but all the jobs I look at are either not of my interest, not part-time, too far away or I do not have enough experience in that area of work, and when I have applied for jobs I'm always turned down, it's so hard to find just find job.

回答 (3)

2016-11-26 8:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
At your age you have to go to the jobs like fast food, restaurants to be a bus boy or seating hostess, grocery store, etc. if you have trouble avoid the big chain stores and go to local places. I got my first jobs at your age being a bus boy clearing and setting tables in a restaurant.
2016-11-26 7:15 am
U need to buck up and work where u may not like because jobs are hard to find and your only 16.
2016-11-26 8:57 am
You cannot work full time until you are 18 in the UK so the only jobs you will get are in small shops and cafes, or maybe a supermarket.
You have no qualifications or experience so are at the bottom of the pile.

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 23:58:08
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