storing christmas presents question\ is it safe to put on car trunk? please answer?

2016-11-26 3:00 am
i am done will xmas shopping for all the kids in my family

i dont know where to store them

i have 2 cars
one hatchback with a lot of space on back

and a sedan with decent space

is it safe for the toys and cloth to be stored there?

we win winter and coldest it gets should be around 20F

will the toys and clothes get messed up if stored in a trunk of a car in the cold?

i have NO electronics

only toys with lights but thats not really ann electronic

回答 (1)

2016-11-26 3:06 am
First off, you didn't say where the car is stored. If it's outside then every night will produce condensation (water) and the packaging will get ruined.

Second, anyone seeing you putting items in there can simply pop the truck and steal them...or the car.

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 23:55:03
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