I'm worried that I get over things too easily?

2016-11-25 8:36 pm
I've never been a person who was heavily affected by really anything in my life, death, heartache, time spent or invested into something.

I recently got out of a horribly abusive marriage, and began dating this kind and wonderful man who treats me like a queen, who's made me feel things, I wasn't quite sure I was capable of compassion, selflessness etc, but I'm a little bit worried about how painless everything has been for me, I haven't missed my ex once, sure I loved our home and the beautiful things we had, but the lack of substance in the marriage was replaced by an insatiable need to shop and possess beautiful things, since we've been apart, I've not had that urge, I just want to enjoy life with my new partner. This however is not the first time I've been able to completely forget about someone, when my grandmother died, sure I was sad, but I really never thought about her again. I had 2 wonderful cats with my ex, who I love dearly, but we decided they should live with him in the home they grew up in, and I'm feeling a bit odd that their absence doesn't seem to faze me. I'm know with someone who I can experience my life with and enjoy, and I'm afraid that I may too lose all feelings for him, sure its a different situation, but its still a fear in the back of my mind. I live my life on autopilot with a grey wash, and he just brings the color to my world.

回答 (3)

2016-11-25 8:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
That just means you can deal with situations well and that you're mature/maturing or arent very sensitive to those.
2017-02-17 7:35 am
You are to be envied; enjoy the rest of your life :)
2016-11-25 8:41 pm
You're probably Autistic and intellectual or you have a severe anxiety disorder (i.e. schizoid personality). On the other hand, if you're comfortable with being highly resilient to emotional distress, it is a great thing no matter how strange it seems. But notably, it's likely you have limited relational skills because you also don't feel strong emotions in every day interactions.

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