He said he forgot to come! I wish I was dead!?

2016-11-25 3:32 pm
I work with a hansome man at Teletech named Brian. I asked him if he wanted to come to my place for Thanksgiving cause his family lives in Oregon an he has no family hear in West Virginia, so I made a huge meal with all the trimmings, bought a new dress that was low cut an really short an gave my self a haircut. I said we could eat around 2:00 an then watch a wonderful film I have on DVD ("From Justin To Kelly") then he could make love to me.

Welp, 2:00 come an went, no Brain. Then 3:00. By 7:00 Brian had STILL not showed up. I must have called him 150 times an sent 300 texts an no response. I was worried that he had been killed or kidnapped or had diarea or something.

This smorning I got a text, it was Brain telling me to quit calling an texting him! I said why, you said you was coming to dinner an watch From Justin To Kelly an make love to me. Then, OMG, he told me he FORGOT! I tell you, that hurt me so bad, I screamed an pulled 2 big wads of hair right out of my head, hit my head against the door facing an ended up having a seizure an dirtying my self.

All that food was wasted, I was horny for hours an he FORGOT. I wish I was dead.

回答 (4)

2016-11-25 3:34 pm
✔ 最佳答案
He's not interested plain and simple. Take the hint, you went above and beyond in a situation where you shouldn't have.
2016-11-25 5:03 pm
Oh Boo hoo for you. DO you really think that anyone is buying this faked account/personality? I'd say that based on all your prior postings that you have way too much time on your hands and are pretty much devoid of actual functional brain cells. IF you are going to troll, do it well or don't do it at all! Of the millions of trolling type posts on YA, yours is the least fascinating. Your trying way too hard to be funny or clever and you continually miss the mark.
2016-11-25 6:37 pm
maybe he wasnt ready to have sex with someone that he barely knew, i wouldve skipped the sex part
2016-11-25 3:33 pm
You could find me

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