Presidential recount.?

2016-11-25 1:14 am
Will it change anything or is this just showing desperation! And secondly, of found a change can we trust it with all the lies we have seen from the left?

回答 (4)

2016-11-25 1:16 am
It's just quite funny they only want to recount states that Trump won......

when states such as Nevada, Minnesota, and New Hampshire Hillary won by FEWER votes than Trump won Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Wisconsin.
2016-11-28 5:56 pm
It might be more interesting to see what the EC has to say about Mr. Trump's possible clash with the constitution over his business interests and their possible conflict with the constitution which forbids any president from accepting payments of any kind from foreign government. Technically since Trump is still head of those businesses, those payments to his company Could be seen as payments to him personally and Could be grounds for impeachment. The EC Could decide to just do away with that whole issue by refusing to confirm Trump on those grounds.
2016-11-26 4:43 pm
Oh, we're going by what trump loudly proclaimed.

The election is rigged. And we're just agreeing with him.

We are also going by what he said about not accepting the results of a rigged election.

So why can't you understand this?
2016-11-25 1:15 am

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