My daughter is a lesbian and I f*cking hate her haircut? What do I do? She died her hair magenta and got dreads?

2016-11-25 12:03 am

回答 (42)

2016-11-25 7:18 am
As ridiculous as I'm sure your daughter looks, if you ridicule her or try to control her, she will only rebel and get worse. You may want to try just being loving and what not. She may just decide she looks ridiculous on her own, and it could be a phase. If not, at least your relationship with her isn't ruined. There is nothing you can do to stop it without making it worse.
2016-11-25 12:06 am
My son is straight and I hate his hair. He looks like a demented lumberjack.'s his right to look however he wants and I don't say anything. I fantasize about cutting it while he sleeps though.
2016-11-25 8:37 am
If you love your daughter, let her be. Your duty as a parent is to teach them how to good citizens and how to be a good person in general. The way she does her hair is he choice, if she's happy the way she looks you should be happy for her.
2016-11-25 4:09 pm
Some times you just need to let you're kids be them selfs. my son is only 9 and i must say his taste in clothes is horrid but it makes him happy
2016-11-25 12:14 am
It's perfectly legitimate for her to choose her own hairstyle, without asking for your opinion.
If you wanted to have total control on your creature you should have got a dog, not a daughter.
2016-11-25 2:07 am
it's her hair, not yours.
2016-11-25 1:05 am
throw her out , it's only going to get worse
2016-11-28 1:52 am
The first part of the question makes it seem like a phony question. If it was serious, you might mention how old she is and if she's under age, did she do it without your permission. Then you may get real answers, but if she's a grown assed woman, suck it up, buttercup, it's her hair, deal wit it...
2016-11-26 5:54 am
K, first, it could've started with, I f'ing hate my daughters haircut.
How old is she, and is it a rebellion in reaction to any not-so-good feelings from you?
Just throwing stuff out there, as she will probably get over the phase rather quickly, so give her a hug, and tell her that you don't like her hair, but, hey, just be safe and you are there anytime she needs you.
2016-11-26 4:03 am
YOU EMBRACE HER FOR BEING HERSELF AND YOU SUCK IT UP SORRY WERE NOT ALL PRETTY INSIDE SOME OF US ARE FREAKS...And get out of yahoo answers and take her to get ice cream her while you can someone's gotta eat her up for being adorable...OH AND ITS NOT A PHASE YOURE CURSED WITH A HUMAN ART PIECE bwahahaha
2016-11-26 1:56 am
Your daughter sounds cool.
2016-11-27 2:32 am
Okay ik I'm supposed to help you but dude you gotta let her do her own thing if she want to be a lesbian than let her if she want to dye her hair magenta and have dreads then let her she is a growing woman trying to fit in in her own way I'm pretty sure it's just a phase but dude let her be
2016-11-25 12:31 am
Delightful...I'm sorry.
2016-11-25 9:32 am
Unfortunately there's not too much you can do because if u tell her how much you hate it she will just rebel even more. Keep in mind its just her hair its not like she's stealing or skipping school.
2016-11-25 12:19 am
well learn too live with it as it's her hair
2016-11-25 12:04 am
Ground her
2016-11-27 6:49 pm
Tell her to shave her head it might look better
2016-11-26 11:03 pm
face the fact that she's not a creature you can control and keep on loving her. Your daughter isn't your property, the only thing you can do is continue loving and supporting her. As long as she isn't hurting herself or anyone else, there's no problem.
2016-12-24 10:29 am
your daughter's hair style is none of your business and neither is her sugarual orientation... so, mind your own bloody beeswax...
2016-12-19 8:56 am
heyyy, don't worry! she's just going through a phase...

before you know it, she'll be onto something far worse... :)
2016-12-13 1:39 pm
your daughter's hair style is none of your business and neither is her sugarual orientation... so, mind your own bloody beeswax...
2016-12-01 6:05 pm
Heyyy, don't worry! She's just going through a phase.

Before you know it, she'll be onto something far worse. :)
2016-11-29 8:15 pm
liar you are mad cuz she is munching on a another women's carpet not yours. now clean your stinky hole maybe she will suck your fat little slit.
2016-11-29 7:53 pm
TBH I wouldn't won't to be near her if she was a lesbian
2016-11-29 12:07 pm
deal with it yourself, you're a grown woman... let her do what she wants with her hair... teen years are the years where you become yourself, and you discover self-expression... i personally love the pixie cut, it's really in lately...
2016-11-29 6:11 am
Don't let her go wild because then she will thank you have no control what I would do is make her feel happy and then slightly nudge the conversation
2016-11-29 4:47 am
Parents are suppose to love their children no matter how ugly they are.
2016-11-29 4:23 am
You knew she was a lesbian when you gave her kisses and her face smelled like p**sy.
2016-11-28 5:18 am
If she's happy you should be happy too. If the hair is not on your head then dont stress it.
2016-11-28 3:44 am
theres nothing wrong with that she's being herself
2016-11-28 1:03 am
umm it's her body and not yours. let her be (if she's of age) don't just say you hate her because she's not the little princess that you want her to be -.-
2016-11-27 10:37 pm
Your daughter's hair style is none of your business and neither is her sexual orientation. So, mind your own bloody beeswax.
2016-11-27 9:52 pm
Not really anything you can do, if she is an adult.
2016-11-27 7:20 pm
well i would be pissed i want my kids to be really neat and clean-cut. but if you try to stop her, she would rebel even more. Just let her do her thing for now. we all did stupid things, hopefully she will grow out of it.
2016-11-27 6:42 pm
Is "lighten the hell up" too harsh? It s her freaking head, and at least it isn t something more permanent like piercing her privates and/or nipples, or smoking or drugs. Consider yourself fortunate that she s happy and healthy, and get used to the color.
2016-11-27 2:14 pm
maybe she hates your hairstyle. maybe you should just mind your own business. and brush up on the spelling of homophones in English.
2016-11-27 3:58 am
Let her be what she wants
2016-11-27 3:57 am
Not a lot It is her hair and she can do whatever she wants with her hair
2016-11-27 2:08 am
deal with it yourself, you're a grown woman. let her do what she wants with her hair. teen years are the years where you become yourself, and you discover self-expression. i personally love the pixie cut, it's really in lately.
2016-11-27 2:08 am
keep the dreads and dye it turquoise
2016-11-26 4:08 pm
2016-11-26 10:43 pm
Let her be!
2016-11-26 5:52 pm
135 N Main St, Crown Point, IN 46307

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