Should you give dogs a bath every day or once a week?

2016-11-24 8:19 pm
I'm asking cause my dad doesn't listen to me and he thinks he knows more than me but he doesn't know anything about dogs

回答 (15)

2016-11-24 9:16 pm
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Try about every 6 weeks, if even that often. These are dogs NOT HUMANS.
2016-11-24 8:24 pm
Once a YEAR more like. nunjah, you shouldn't be bathing your Rottweiler every 10 days as you will dry out his coat.
2016-11-24 8:22 pm
I bathe my rottweiler once every 10 days. He's an indoor dog. If your dog stays outside most of the time, you'll want to bathe him 2 times a week, probably
2016-11-24 10:13 pm
Neither. I bathe my dog once a month. Bathing a dog every day will easily dry out their skin as well as every week. When you do give your dog a bath, use gentle shampoo or you'll end up with a dog who has skin problems.
2016-11-25 4:58 pm
They don't need bathing more than twice a year, spring/fall and/or only when they've been skunked, unless vet recommended and/or prescribed.

It is after all a family dog, Dad's house, his rules, either live with it or move, then you can do as you please.
2016-11-24 8:39 pm
Depends on the dog. My dogs have super short hair and might get bathed twice a year, other than a quick rinse after going to the beach.
Longer haired dogs may need bathing a bit more often. But you don't want to bathe too frequently as bathing can dry out their skin.
Unless you have a (breed) show dog, or your dog has skin issues where your vet recommends more frequent bathing, I wouldn't do more than once a month, at most.
2016-11-24 8:24 pm
neither one. Any more frequently than once every 5 or 6 weeks will lead to injured skin response which is kind of hard to get rid of. Plus,it smells.
2016-11-24 10:41 pm
You shouldn't bath them everyday. Once a week if needed is OK with dog shampoo.
2016-11-24 10:34 pm
Short haired dog every 4 months.long haired dogs every 10 to12 weeks
2016-11-24 8:23 pm
A dog is generally bathed once a month or less, as needed. Once a week is okay, according to the AKC, if you use a good oatmeal shampoo but probably not needed. Once a day is far too often It would cause problems to the skin and coat.
2016-11-25 6:32 pm
Depends on the breed. If its a hairless dog, it would need a bath weekly to get the oils off the skin (this is the same for hairless cats). Shorthair dogs should not be bathed often - maybe a few times a year. Longhair dogs may need a bath every other month to keep the coat in good condition.

Poodles, Schnauzers, etc. would need a haircut and bathed every 6-8 weeks. Too much washing can damage the skin and coat on many dogs.
2016-11-25 1:44 am
no. It's harmful to the skin's bacterial balance
2016-11-24 10:51 pm
All the dogs I've ever had got a bath no more than six times a year, and that was for a dog with a skin condition that was best treated with a medicated shampoo. Some dogs might need washing more than that, but not many.
2016-11-24 10:16 pm
I bathe mine every 3 months at most.
2016-11-25 12:23 am
Not every day nor once a week unless needed
2016-11-24 11:03 pm
I think every month is good. If you wash it too much the natural oils will be taken away and that can be bad for the coat.
2016-11-24 8:34 pm
Depending on the dog, once a month is sufficient. If you do this more often, it can severely damage the dog's hair. If the dog has short hair, once a month or every two months. For long-haired dogs, once or twice a month is the maximum. <3
2016-11-27 2:25 am
No not really, it could affect its skin and give him allergies... You better wash him 1 time each 2 weeks maximum
👉 Answer one of my question, i will answer one of yours in return 👈
2016-11-26 5:49 am
once a month , so both of you are wrong . daily or weekly bathing does take all the natural oils & condition out of a dogs coat , which is bad .

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