is it rude when a person says while talking in internet gaming: hold on, im being talked to?

2016-11-24 7:54 pm
my spouse talks in gaming channels a lot. when i came into the room and asked him what he wanted to eat, he was rather cold and said to his online friends, "hold on im being talked to". i asked him later why he said in such an impolite manner, and he was like "well, tell me how you want me to meet your standards" (but he was a bit sarcastic about it). but was his initial way of talking to me considered rude? i mean, isnt it more acceptable to say something like "wait a moment, my wife is wanting to say something to me..." nicer sounding, isnt it?

回答 (11)

2016-11-25 1:59 am
I agree with you - your version was much better
2016-11-24 8:09 pm
Since he was addressing his gaming buddies, it's up to them to decide if his manner of 'speaking' was appropriate or not. He let them know his attention would be elsewhere for a moment. Nothing wrong with the way he did it. They don't need to know who is speaking to him or why (that's not their business).

We don't know what his initial manner of speaking to you was, because you didn't share that. You shared his manner of speaking to his gaming friends and "hold on, I'm being talked to" while gramatically incorrect, was not rude to them in any way, nor was it rude to you since he wasn't addressing you.
2016-11-26 12:51 am
No, I think it's rude to interrupt somebody why they are talking to other people. Maybe set some rules and say OK during 6 to 7 you will be playing the game so I won't interrupt you but after that I want to have dinner together. That might help.
2016-11-24 11:04 pm
I see nothing wrong with what he wrote. He just wrote the shortest way as it came into his head. If someone typed that to me, I wouldn't think ANYTHING of it. He was being talked to.. What's the big deal?
2016-11-24 9:41 pm
Watch out how much you are trying to control!
2016-12-13 8:15 pm
i agree with you - your version was much better
2016-12-03 1:11 pm
i agree with you - your version was much better
2016-12-03 3:53 am
i agree with you - your version was much better
2016-11-29 10:56 am
i see nothing wrong with what he wrote......... he just wrote the shortest way as it came into his head......... if someone typed that to me, i wouldn't think anything of it......... he was being talked to.................. what's the big deal?
2016-11-29 4:54 am
If I asked my husband what he would like for dinner and he was rude to me, I would just tell him to get his own!
2016-11-25 12:47 am
YES, it is nicer sounding and he should be more sensitive to you. Welcome to the world of marriage and it's NOT easy, keep trying.
參考: John - counselor, 25 years.

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