Yugioh Dried Winds?

2016-11-24 1:22 pm
Can you activate Dried Winds without applying the second effect ?

回答 (2)

2016-11-24 1:31 pm
Dried Winds is a continuous trap card with two seperate, completely independant activated effects that have to be activated and resolved seperately. Neither effect interacts with the other.
The first effect is a trigger, it will activate when the condition is met whether you want to or not (but only once per turn).
The second effect is a quick effect with an activation condition. It doesn't matter if you are currently meeting that condition, you are not obliged or forced to activate it. You can activate it whenever you want, or never at all if you wish.
2016-11-25 10:33 pm
Yes. Since it's second effect says "You can"

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 23:48:41
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