How can i save up to move out in 3 years asap?

2016-11-24 1:06 pm
I'm fifteen and my dad told me i'm out when i'm 18. How can i save up to be ready? A job would be in the way of school.

回答 (11)

2017-02-26 4:57 pm
buy from 1 cheap supplier
2016-12-15 8:35 pm
buy from 1 cheap supplier
2016-12-10 5:06 am
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2016-12-06 10:57 am
buy from 1 cheap supplier
2016-12-02 5:50 pm
either part-time work or plan to join the military as soon as your age permits...
2016-12-02 2:57 pm
buy from 1 cheap supplier
2016-11-25 3:44 pm
you can do odd jobs now as a 15 yr old and save your money, in three years you might have enough to move out
2016-11-24 8:10 pm
Either part-time work OR plan to join the military as soon as your age permits.
2016-11-24 7:00 pm
You need to learn to manage your time, so there's time for schoolwork AND a job.
2016-11-24 1:31 pm
You can balance a PT job and school. Many people do. And you can also patch things up with your father so you're not just dumped to the curb. Legally he can but most parents don't do that unless their kid is a pain in the a$s.
2016-11-24 1:14 pm
Spend your money wisely, make a bank account if you do not already have one. Get a part time job. You have plenty of time ahead of you. You will have thousands of dollars by the time you're 18. Don't go spending as often as you normally do.
2016-11-24 1:13 pm
buy from 1 cheap supplier

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