Did any philosophers get killed by their own ideas - eg. Marx killed by Communism?

2016-11-24 8:28 am

(I don't mean collaterally, such as nazi's being executed at the end of the war or by the war)

回答 (13)

2016-11-24 9:41 am
Socrates was probably one of the first recorded.
2016-11-24 8:38 am
Marx wasn't a philosopher. Socrates was and was effectively assassinated for his ideas.
2016-11-24 11:24 am
In what sense was Marx killed by communism? Or are you asking if he was?
Philosophers can be killed *for* their ideas, but hardly *by* them.
2016-11-25 1:05 pm
Socrates killed by willed subjection to the City of Athens.
2016-11-25 2:00 am
Do you mean after Socrates? He was the first to be killed FOR his ideals/philosophy. There are many that have followed. Yes.
2016-11-24 5:06 pm
Socrates drank his hemlock cocktail upholding his beliefs even as his followers pleaded with him to live the city / state.
2016-12-06 9:09 am
So I guess only Socrates received the Ironic fate. I was hoping Someone like Marx was killed by the communist purges or siberian exile / concentration camp/hard labour etc
2016-11-26 12:13 am
Altheusser murdered his wife, reportedly because he didn't like her views. He was a prominent thinker of the left in the 70s.

Hitler was destroyed by his ideas, as was Moussollini. Also, at the other end of the spectrum, Socrates and Jesus Christ (he did exist as a man) and probably many others were killed because their ideas did not fit with their times. The same could be said of King here in the USA.
2016-11-25 10:01 am
Yes, the Russian-Jewish communist Bronstein (Trotsky) wanted permanent violent revolution and he was murdered while in Mexican exile LOL
2016-11-25 6:30 am
I was thinking of Newton but A) not really a philosopher and B) his mercury poisoning didn't kill him.

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