Is it beneficial to listen to German podcasts if I'm trying to learn German?

2016-11-24 6:00 am

回答 (3)

2016-11-24 3:45 pm
Somewhat, if you mean getting the feel for the sound. You will not learn words and grammar very quickly because the sound strings are too long for you to understand and you will not have time to look anything up unless if you use subtitles maybe. Still, you need a good memory to learn any words like this. This is why I usually recommend little bits with supportive text if possible.
2016-11-24 6:12 am
yes, this is a good idea
2016-11-24 6:05 am
It's beneficial to listen to any German if you are trying to learn except songs and cartoons.

German songs and cartoons tend to use a lot of slang and dialect which is not good for learning at the beginner level.

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