How can i escape asap (anybody please help)?

2016-11-24 5:07 am
I'm fifteen years old and I want to get out of my parents house asap. Everyday i find myself verbally attacked and bullied by my dad. If my dad notices that i not bothered by his words anymore he starts to threaten to hurt me. I find this situation getting worse daily. Its done nothing but give me suicidal thoughts over the past years. All i need is advice on how to move out as soon as i'm 18. A job probably wouldn't be enough money beings though i'm young.

回答 (4)

2016-11-25 8:25 pm
your dad is threatening to hurt you, just call the police on him or at least call cps, you shouldnt have to put up with that
2016-11-24 6:14 am
Call child protective services they will remove u from your home.
2016-11-24 5:30 am
Talk to other relatives.I'm pretty sure you go to school. Talk to your principal. OR even call the police.
2016-11-24 5:15 am
Call child protective services ASAP!

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