How do I make my parents proud of me?

2016-11-24 4:59 am
I used to get nothing below a 95 in a class. Now that I am a freshman in high school. There is so much going on and my grades aren t the best right now. I m not failing or close to failing any classes. My parents just yell at me and tell me I m a failure. My mom tells me she sees alll the people posting on Facebook about their children, but there is nothing to be proud of me for. I am trying to make better grades and have been so far. Every time I make a good grade or better grade they don t seem to care. She picked me up at school 50 minutes late today and it was cold and had been raining outside. I called her and asked her where she was after school had gotten out and she said she was on her way.... 50 minutes later she asks where I was. She also tells me I'll never get into college and this weekend she took my homework away. She took it away and said doesn't matter you'

回答 (2)

2016-11-25 8:27 pm
your mom is being mean, maybe you should go live with your friends, you might have more fun there
2016-11-24 5:06 am
Have manners, be appreciative, practice honesty, never be proud and try the best that you can at school.

If you're parents are smart they will be proud of you regardless of grades (unless you are slacking) and most smart parents have good jobs since they probably have degrees and can afford tutoring to bring them up.

On the other hand if you have mindless materialists who only care about money yet don't have any because they are too dumb to know how to make anything beyond low wages they will act like the ones you just described.

Ah and let me guess, Asian parents??

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