Is a rabbit more expensive than a guinea pig?

2016-11-23 11:48 pm

回答 (5)

2016-11-27 1:08 am
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from experience of owning both guinea pigs and rabbits, I want to say money wise it's roughly the same for both. this depends on also how you will care for your lil furry friend

personally recommend both! if you get annoyed a bit by noises, go for bunnies since guinea pigs do make lil squeaking noises a lot :p
2016-11-24 6:50 am
Not really. They both have similar care and vet trips cost roughly the same amount. I will say the most expensive thing for me with rabbits is keeping them in toys. And the most expensive thing when I had a pair of guinea pigs was keeping a steady flow of clean litter.
2016-11-24 12:19 am
A single guinea pigs, yes. They are bigger and therefor eat more. However, guinea pigs need to be in pairs. A pair of pigs will cost about as much as a small rabbit. Medium-large rabbits will be more expensive than a pair of pigs.
Another thing that can make rabbits more expensive is toys. They need lots of toys to keep busy and destroy their toys faster. You can make toys yourself to save a lot of money.
2016-11-24 6:04 pm
Usually they are. Rabbits need larger cages, and preferably a run for them.
Food costs are not much different but rabbits eat more of it.
A trip to a vet may be a bit expensive for either.
They are both great pets, but if the cost difference is detrimental for you, you may not be able to afford either.
2016-11-24 1:34 am
It depends where you look. Try going to local pet stores to find out prices.

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