Is my cat a bombay?

2016-11-23 7:06 pm

回答 (8)

2016-11-23 10:21 pm
Lovely black cat, but its a domestic shorthair, not a Bombay. Bombays should have the look and body of a Burmese cat but in all black.

Your cat's head and face are much to "long" to be a Bombay. Also there are very few Bombay breeders in the USA now. But your cat is very nice - what is his/her name.

BTW there are 2 posts in here that copied my answer exactly till I added to mine :)
2016-11-24 4:26 am
Other than being Black your cat bears ZERO traits of the Bombay.

How do you think you magically have one without buying it from a breeder with less than half a dozen breeders in the entire country?
2016-11-24 12:03 am
Doesn't look to be anything more than your common domestic shorthair. I always say, if you have to ask what breed your cat is, it isn't one. Less than 4% of cats are a breed, and breeders are very careful about who they let their kittens go to, as well as making sure they are spayed and neutered. Purebred cats come from breeders with pedigrees and papers. You will almost never find purebred cats wandering the streets or sitting in shelters.
2016-11-23 9:06 pm
No, and sorry not even close. You have a lovely black domestic short hair, and that does not make her any less special.
2016-11-23 7:32 pm
Build, coat, and head shape look like an ordinary domestic shorthair to me. The eyes also look greenish, and Bombay cats always have golden or copper colored eyes.
2016-11-23 7:24 pm
No, that looks like a domestic short hair (maybe it's just the angle, but bombays tend to have rounder faces)
2016-12-03 1:04 pm
no, and sorry not even close......... you have a lovely black domestic short hair, and that does not make her any less special.........
2016-12-03 9:43 am
no, and sorry not even close... you have a lovely black domestic short hair, and that does not make her any less special...
2016-11-26 5:28 am
what is bombay mean?
2016-11-23 8:32 pm
hmmmm bombay is good with curry and rice

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